Q: Once I place my order, what's the next step?
A: You should receive an order confirmation email along with your tracking number. That’s why it’s VERY IMPORTANT to enter a VALID email address when checking out .We will contact you immediately if we have a question about your order. Once your order is processed and shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number. And then, just wait for your goodies to arrive in the mail ;)
Q: How can I check my order status?
A: You can refer to the shipping confirmation email for the tracking number or just shoot us an Direct message at Amourbeauty on instagram with your name and order number.
Q: Do you ship to international destinations?
A: At the moment, we only ship to the United States, But we are working on adding more international destinations to our lovely customers all around the world.
Q: Are your glosses cruelty free ?
A: Absolutely all are glosses are cruelty free . Our glosses are handmade with proper care and are pigments and scents are grade A safe.
Q: How do you clean and store the lashes?
A: To ensure the longevity of your beautiful handcrafted lashes we suggest gently and lightly pulling off any excess glue from the band after wearing them and placing them in their original casing so that they retain their shape.
Q: Will the false eyelashes harm my own lashes?
A: No. When false eyelashes are applied correctly, with the proper adhesive and removed gently, there is no harm done to your real lashes. In fact, real lashes have shown to become healthier from wearing false eyelashes because it replaces the need to wear mascara or curl your eyelashes.